Before you sell or buy a home, speak with the appraiser at Fast Appraise. We provide pre-listing appraisals and pre-purchase appraisals to homeowners, buyers and real estate agents in Bellmore, Nassau, Wantagh, Valley Stream, NY and the Greater New York area. We'll inspect the interior and exterior of the home to ensure the listing price matches the fair market value.
Dial (516) 652-7553 now to schedule your appraisal.
Not sure what to expect when you request an appraisal? A pre-listing appraisal usually includes...
Subject property information
Comparable home sales data
Photos from the appraiser's inspection
This information is especially crucial for sellers who aren't using an agent.
To learn more about the importance of an accurate appraisal, reach out to Fast Appraise in Bellmore, Nassau, Wantagh & Valley Stream, NY. We also offer pre-purchase appraisals for individuals ready to buy a home.
Wantagh, NY 11793
(516) 652-7553